
All that’s needed to setup nose-of-yeti is to register the spec codec before importing the specs. Python mechanics handle the rest. Included with nose-of-yeti is plugins for nosetests and pytest for doing just this.


You need to run nosetests with the --with-noy options.


Having nose-of-yeti in your environment is enough for pytest to be able to import spec encoded files.


You can make python language server not complain about coding: spec files by including configuration for pyls that looks like:

"pyls": {
  "plugins": {
    "noy_pyls": {
      "enabled": true


You may tell pylama to use the pylama_noy linter to make pylama aware of spec encoded files. Make sure it is defined before other linters!

It is also recommended adding to pylama configuration:

ignore = E701,E704,E225,E202,E211,E231,E226,W292,W291,E251,E122,E501,E701,E227,E305,E128,E228,E203,E261


To format files with the spec encoding you need to use a specific version of black that isn’t installed as a binary and have a specific environment variable set:

> pip uninstall black
> pip install --no-binary black noseOfYeti[black]


Add this to your mypy configuration:

plugins = noseOfYeti.plugins.mypy

Note that if you choose to put this in pyproject.toml it should look like:

plugins = 'noseOfYeti.plugins.mypy'